Our impact

Everything we do is designed to deliver the greatest difference possible to the lives of the people we support who are facing complex issues and challenges, and to influence changes in society that will have a positive impact both now and for generations to come.
Over the years we have transformed into a modern social action and innovation centre for London, responding to gaps in support observed in our community and beyond and using our specialist knowledge to develop new approaches to tackling sever and unmet needs.
Each year we deliver frontline services to circa 3,000 people in 21 local authorities in and around London.
We strive for best practice in monitoring, evaluating and developing our work
We believe that we have to be able to measure and communicate our impact clearly and precisely in order to achieve our social mission.
We use a range of resources to ensure that our activities achieve the best possible outcomes for our service users:
- User-Led: Using accessible feedback and consultation methods to bring the people who use our services to the centre of our plans for the future.
- Evidence-Based: Using the most up-to-date third-party resources and research evidence about our service areas.
- Rigorous Methodologies: Using smart, in-depth social impact and outcome metrics to evaluate our activities and learn what works best.
- Independent Scrutiny: Working with independent academic and third-sector research and evaluation organisations to gain in-depth insight into the impact of our services.
- Independent Assessment: Maintaining industry-standard external accreditation for all our services and governance procedures
Annual Reports and Financial Statements
Cambridge House
Annual Report 2024
Click here to read our most recent Annual Report and Financial Statement for 2023-24, which details our progress over the past year.
Our older Annual Reports are available below.
Cambridge House News
New Safer Renting Report: Licensing Private Rented Homes – Insights and Experiences from 5 London Boroughs
Safer Renting has a published a new research report: Licensing Private Rented Homes; Insights and Experiences from Five London Boroughs
We are recruiting – Join the Empowerment and Inclusion Team
We are recruiting for a Team Leader and other roles (Camberwell Incredibles – Fridays) to join the Empowerment and Inclusion Team.
Deadline: Sunday 7 and Monday 8 April
We are recruiting – Join the Law Centre Team
We are recruiting a Housing Solicitor/Case Worker and an employment and Discrimination Solicitor (maternity cover) to join the Law Centre reporting to Head of Service.
Deadline: Friday 5 April